Abuse comes in many forms and all forms of abuse cause pain and suffering for the person on the receiving end. We welcome both court-ordered and self-referred clients to our Abuse Intervention sessions. These sessions will teach you:
Anger is an emotion that can cause us to say or do things we will come to regret. We welcome both court-ordered and self-referred clients to our Anger Management sessions. These sessions will teach you:
Our Cognitive Transformation Program will help you to build the necessary skills to reframe your thinking. Our program offers tailored support to help you in every area of life. For example, we help you recognize thought patterns - those that help and those that harm - and we provide Career Development training. Our program empowers you to reframe your thoughts, build essential life skills and embrace new possibilities.
There were 7,240 robberies reported in Maryland in 2020 and, in nearly 6,000 (81%) of these robberies, the aggressor was armed.
To help stop individuals from committing armed robberies, we will provide support services in the following areas:
Parenting is the cornerstone of a child’s future. Effective parenting produces successful children. Our services will facilitate development of strong parenting skills. We welcome both court-ordered and self-referred clients. We provide consultation in areas such as:
Do you feel like people are not listening to you? We’re here to help.
We offer a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program or PRP. As a part of the PRP, we will assist clients in areas such as:
The U.S. has the 32nd highest rate of deaths from gun violence in the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 38,390 deaths by firearm, of which 13,958 were homicides. To address this public health crisis, we will provide support services in the following areas:
Carjacking has become a serious problem in our communities. Our Carjacking Prevention classes are designed to provide you with:
Impaired driving...driving under the influence...buzzed driving...driving "lit"...no matter what you call it, the law calls it a crime. Once enrolled in our program, you will engage in:
Life skills are essential to accomplishing what it is that you set out to do. Our Life Skills Consulting sessions will empower you in areas such as:
Couples are the key to society because they produce and raise the future generations. Many couples separate for the wrong reasons—they may not even understand the reason for their split. Our Couples/Marriage Enhancement classes are designed to teach you to:
Employing our family support services will enhance family relationships by improving lines of communication between children and parents. We provide consultation in areas such as:
The reentry and transition period is critical to ensuring the future success of ex-offenders. We help individuals reintegrate into their families and into society by providing consultation in areas such as:
Possession with intent to distribute is a serious crime with a stiff penalty. Individuals who find themselves caught up in this lifestyle often have a difficult time leaving it behind. We help our clients to make a positive change by offering:
Incidences of violence in our society have been increasing every year. Violence causes trauma, which leads to feelings of fear and distrust. Violence is not the answer to resolving conflict—there is a better way to express your feelings of anger and hurt. These sessions will expose you to:
Victims are those who have been negatively affected by the actions of others. We help individuals reclaim their sense of well-being by providing consultation in areas such as:
Fatherhood is the foundation of the family unit. The presence of a positive father figure provides stability in the household. Through consultation with us, fatherhood skills are developed. We provide consultation in areas such as:
Our spiritual health is the most important aspect of our lives and we often neglect it. The 360 Family Circle will promote the spiritual health of you and your family through the following activities: